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"Beautiful and exceptional picture book."


" Valuable and inspiring."     - KIRKUS   

"Gottesfeld's compelling telling is supplemented by comprehensive notes. Witanto's illustrations richly render the story.    - PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY     


"Gor­don is a hero unfa­mil­iar to most Amer­i­can read­ers who now have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about her extra­or­di­nary life in an ele­gant­ly designed children’s book....Highly recommended."

                                                                  - EMILY SCHNEIDER, JEWISH BOOK COUNCIL REVIEW


" The text is written for younger children, but it serves as a great example to older students of the difference one individual can make."      - SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL

"The unlikely story of a Jewish woman named Beate Sirota (considered a hero in Japan, yet hardly known by Americans) is told well."     - LISA SILVERMAN, JEWISH JOURNAL

"No Steps Behind: Beate Sirota Gordon’s Battle for Women’s Rights in Japan certainly meets the criteria for consideration for the Sydney Taylor Book Award. It offers an historically important and little known story of a young Jewish woman in Japan who, without understatement, changed the world, all while being beautifully written and illustrated for its intended audience, readers ages 7 – 12."                                                                       - MEG WIVIOTT, THE SYDNEY TAYLOR SHMOOZE BLOG

"Beate was just 22, the only woman in a room of lawyers and officers. She asked herself, “What do I know about constitutions?” Determined to learn, she scoured Tokyo for useful books. A few libraries had survived, battered guardians of hope to help people turn from war to peace."
Host Heidi Rabinowitz interviewed Jeff Gottesfeld about his book No Steps Behind.

Blogs and Articles

Students translate No Steps Behind to JapaneseColby College (Waterville ME, alma mater of author)

The Impossible Life of Beate Sirota Gordon-"Beate was a hero­ine with com­plex and over­lap­ping iden­ti­ties that defy easy categorization."

A Shock to the System- "We are just starting to see the effects of the Covid-19 shock on our world, nation, communities, families, and selves. May they prove as positive as the ones that Beate helped to bring to Japan."

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